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Monday, 23 May 2011

Introduction to MS Office Word 2000

Welcome to Microsoft Word 2000. This program is designed to make your word processing needs easy to accomplish. Let’s jump in and see how this is done. Screen Layout
  • Title Bar
    At the very top of the screen is the Title Bar. If the Title Bar is colored, it designates the active window. On the left side of the title bar is the Word Icon. On the right side of the title bar is the minimize button, the maximize or restore button,and the Exit “X”.
  • Menu
    The second line is the menu. Use the mouse to click on the option desired, or ALT key plus the underlined character of the option for keyboard access to the menu
  • Toolbars
    The next line has toolbars. Word provides over a dozen different toolbars, although you’ll normally display only two or three at any one time. Microsoft’s “factory settings” display only the Standard and Formatting toolbars. The other toolbars include those listed at the left. You can display any available toolbar by rightclicking on any toolbar displayed on your screen and selecting the toolbar from the drop-down menu that appears.
Placing the mouse pointer on the icon brings up a word description of what the icon does. The Toolbars provide a quicker access to functions normally found in the menu, maybe buried under several selections.
You can select or unselect Toolbars by choosing View, Toolbar. or by clicking on the toolbar with the right mouse button and unselecting, or selecting from the list.
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