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Thursday 26 May 2011

Joomla! The Beauty In Design and beautifull template 7 CD:

Joomla! The Beauty In Design and beautifull template 7 CD | 1830MB
Tutorial Videos of :
VOl A Joomla! for Beginners
•VOl B Building a CSS Template for JOOMLA
•VOl C Increasing User Experience with Javascript
•VOl D Joomla Optimization
•VOl E Template Migration for Joomla TutorialSeries
•VOl F MooTools for the Rest of Us
•VOl G Remaining Collection BEAUTY IN DESIGN
A. Joomla! for Beginners
01. Introduction
02. Downloading Joomla!
03. Creating your Database
04. Uploading Joomla! to your site
05. Installing and Configuring Joomla!
06. A Walk around the Front End
07. It’s all about Content
08. The Back End – Administrator
09. Creating Sections
10. Creating Categories
11. Creating Content Items
12. Linking to Menus
13. Installing Templates
14. Worked Example – An online shop
15. Worked Example – A membership site
16. Worked Example – A magazine
17. Support and Conclusion
B. Building a CSS Template for JOOMLA
1. Lesson One – Slicing a Photoshop Image
• Planning the Layout
• Slicing Images
• Naming Slices
• Saving for the Web
2. Lesson Two – Creating the Foundation
• Files and Folders
• Linking the CSS into the PHP Document
• Getting Setup in Style Master
• Creating the DIV tags
3. Lesson Three – CSS Layout I
• Styling the Body
• Styling the Container
• Styling the Header
4. Lesson Four – CSS Layout II
• Styling the content DIV
• Working through browser bugs
5. Lesson Five – Finishing up and JOOMLA Integration
• Install JOOMLA Plug-in from
• Placing the Header Code
• Placing the Content Code
• Prepare the XML file
• Zip and Upload
C. Increasing User Experience with Javascript
1. Introduction
• Overview of the series
• Showcasing the javascript effects
2. Lesson Two – De-Cluttering the Membership Page
• Attaching scripts
• Considering MooTools as a solution to a cluttered layout
• Using the Fx.Styles of Mootools to change element properties
3. Lesson Three – Using MooTabs to Condense Related Products
• Understanding how MooTabs works
• Implementing MooTabs to condense the related products of a shopping cart
4. Lesson Four – Using a MooTools ‘Light Box’ to Create a Friendly Gallery
• Understanding the problem with the existing gallery
• Fixing the gallery with the MooTools Light Box
5. Lesson Five – Using Fx.Styles to Control Font Size
• Selecting an area to change
• Implementing Fx.Styles to change fonts
6. Lesson Six – Creating a Sliding Sub Menu with MooTools
• Analyzing the main menu and sub-menu for implementation
• Implement some simple MooTools effects to reveal sub-links
7. Lesson Seven – Implementing Reflection Javascript for Images
• Downloading and using reflection.js for images
8. Lesson Eight – Creating a Sliding Image Menu
• Understanding how the Sliding Image Menu works
• Implementing the Sliding Image Menu
9. Lesson Nine – Using AJAX with the Sliding Image Menu
• Creating an updated area for changing content
• Implementing AJAX links with the Sliding Image Menu
D. Joomla Optimization
1. Lesson One – Validation
•CSS Validation
•XHTML Validation
•Correcting incorrect markup
2. Lesson Two – Improving Module Output
•Different types of module output options
•Optimizing the template (continued from the JOOMLA Template Series)
3. Lesson Three – Improving JOOMLA Accessibility
•Better font usage
•Using CSS compression to better file sizes
4. Lesson Four – Using ARTIO SEF Component
•Getting JOOMLA ready for better URL’s
•Around ARTIO
E. Template Migration for Joomla Tutorial Series
1. Lesson One – Introduction and Re-Ordering the File Structure
• Introduction to the Template
• Moving the template files to the correct location for Joomla
2. Lesson Two – Optimizing the Template
• The Dreamweaver extension from
• Inserting the php tags, header code, and various other code
3. Lesson Three – The Template Details XML File
• How the template_details.xml works
• Assigning files, images, css, etc.
4. Lesson Four – Re-naming and Styling the Main Menu
• Understanding how the Main Menu is styled
• Re-assigning existing menu styles with the Joomla selectors
5. Lesson Five – Migrating Styles for Use with Modules
• Latest news module changes
• Main menu module stylings in other positions
6. Lesson Six – Custom Module Styling Using Class Suffixes
• Styling the Newsflash module similar to the static template
Using class suffixes in Joomla
7. Lesson Seven – Styling Various Joomla Elements
• Style matching the titles, paragraphs, etc. in the template
• News component styling
F. MooTools for the Rest of Us
1. Lesson One – Ideas and Resources
• The Purpose and Format of this series
 Where to get ideas from/documentation
• Getting MooTools
2. Lesson Two – Setting up the Document
• Javascript insertion
• Testing out an effect
3. Lesson Three – Creating a “Drag & Resize”-able Window
• Finding ideas
• Implementing an idea
• Duplicating several windows
4. Lesson Four – Opacity Fades for various windows
• Recognizing windows to fade
• Implementing the code
• Custom Options
5. Lesson Five – Using Moo.Ajax for the JoomlaOS Template
• Some benefits
• Creating an Ajax link for the JoomlaOS Temp late
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