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Free Books and Solutions Manual Headline

Monday 23 May 2011

Learning Perl the Hard Way

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Do we really need another Perl book? Well obviously I think so, and here's why: 

* I want a book for people who already know how to program in another language, but don't know Perl. 

* I want a book that gets through the basics as quickly as possible. I'm sick of reading about the precedence of operators; I want to know how to do the fun stuff. 

* I want a book that emphasizes good programming style in Perl. Many of the Perl programs I have seen are written in a quick-and-dirty style; I wanted to see if the style I have developed in other languages can translate. 

* In many Perl books, object-oriented programming is treated as an optional feature for advanced programming. I wanted to bring it closer to the center of focus (although I am anything but an object-oriented bigot).