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Monday 23 May 2011

An Overview of Virtualization and VMware Server 2.0

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This online book is intended as both a learning resource and reference guide designed to be of use to new and experienced VMware Server users alike. Comprising 20 chapters of detailed information, the book covers a wide range of topics relating to this entry level virtualization solution. 

What is VMware Server 2.0? 

VMware Server 2.0 is the second release of a virtualization solution provided by VMware, Inc., a division of EMC Corporation. VMware Server is supplied free of charge and is the entry level product of a range of virtualization solutions provided by VMware. 
What is Virtualization? 

In a traditional computing model, a computer system typically runs a single operating system. For example, a desktop computer might run a copy of Windows XP or Windows Vista, while a server might run Linux or Windows Server 2008. 

The concept of virtualization, as it pertains to this book, involves the use of a variety of different technologies to allow multiple and potentially varied operating system instances to run concurrently on a single physical computer system, each sharing the physical resources of the host computer system (such as memory, network connectivity, CPU and storage). Within a virtualized infrastructure, a single physical computer server might, for example, run two instances of Windows Server 2008 and one instance of Linux. This, in effect, allows a single computer to provide an IT infrastructure that would ordinarily required three computer systems.