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Monday 23 May 2011

Programming in Ruby

Ruby’s simple syntax and transparent semantics make it easy to learn. Its direct execution model and dynamic typing let you develop code incrementally: you can typically add a feature and then try it immediately, with no need for scaffolding code.

Ruby programs are typically more concise than their Perl or Python counterparts, and their simplicity makes them easier to understand and maintain. When you bump up against some facility that Ruby is lacking, you’ll find it easy to write Ruby extensions, both using Ruby and by using low level C code that adds new features to the language.
We came across Ruby when we were looking for a language to use as a prototyping and specification tool. We’ve used it on all of our projects since. We have Ruby code performing distributed logging, executing within an X/Windows window manager, precompiling the text of a book, and generating indexes. Ruby has become our language of choice. This article looks at just a few of the interesting and innovative features of the Ruby languae.
Download Programming in Ruby (pdf)