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Monday 23 May 2011

Programming LEGO Mindstorms with Java

Programming LEGO MINDSTORMS with Java is as much about robotics programming as it is about Java programming.This book is for all levels of MINDSTORMS users, from hobbyists to the serious MINDSTORMS aficionados.

This book is also appropriate for a variety of programming levels; both those with only a modicum of Java knowledge and more advanced programmers will learn much within these pages.We cover all the basics of programming the RCX, beginning with the introduction of the Java APIs available for communicating remotely with the RCX using its default firmware, all the way through more advanced topics like embedded programming using a custom Java Virtual Machine (JVM)—Jose Solorzano’s Lego Java Operating System (leJOS)—which allows us to run Java inside the RCX.
Most of the software packages and APIs we cover and use in Programming LEGO MINDSTORMS with Java are open source projects.The source code from each chapter is included on the companion CD-ROM, ready for use in your own creations. These projects are mostly a labor of love by those who initially designed and contributed to them, and are always open to new contributors.We’ll even delve into the internals of a few. For example, we’ll show how to add new native calls to leJOS, and how to add USB support to Java, because the latest LEGO MINDSTORMS release uses USB instead of the serial port.
Download Programming LEGO Mindstorms with Java(pdf)