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Free Books and Solutions Manual Headline

Thursday 26 May 2011

Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE:

Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE
Product Description
In Seam Framework, Second Edition, the authors of the leading guide to Seam programming have systematically updated their text to reflect the major improvements introduced with Seam 2.x. This author team–all key Seam project contributors–teach Seam 2.x through detailed example applications that reveal how Seam simplifies many tasks that were previously difficult or impractical. Their robust descriptions are complemented by in-depth feature discussions that demonstrate how to use Seam’s power to the fullest.Whether you’re new to Seam programming or a seasoned Seam developer who wants to achieve deeper mastery of Seam 2.x, this book will be an indispensable resource.
Coverage includes
  • Using improvements to Seam’s conversation model, transaction management, and other features
  • Enhancing security, performing end-to-end validation, and providing custom exception pages
  • Using Quartz to execute timer jobs in your application
  • Generating bookmarkable RESTful Web pages the easy way
  • Developing highly scalable applications with Seam 2.x’s new multilayer caching
  • Simplifying development with Groovy, the scripting language that runs directly on the JVM
  • Using jBPM business processes to improve page flow
  • Previewing Web Beans (JSR-299), the future core of Seam that will transform Java EE Web development
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