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Monday 23 May 2011

UML Notation Guide

This document describes the notation for the visual representation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). This document should be used in conjunction with the companion UML Semantics document. This notation document contains brief summaries of the semantics of UML constructs, but the semantics document must be consulted for full details.
This document is arranged into chapters according to semantic concepts subdivided by diagram types. Within each diagram type are listed model elements that are found on that diagram and their representation. Note, however, that many model elements are usable in more than one diagram. An attempt has been made to place each description where it is used the most, but be aware that the document involves implicit cross-references and that elements may be useful in other places than the chapter in which they are described. Be aware also that the document is nonlinear: there are forward references in it. It is not intended to be a teaching document that can be read linearly but a reference document organized by affinity of concept.
Download UML Notation Guide (pdf)