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Monday 23 May 2011

Voodoo’s Introduction to Javascript

This ebook is an introduction to JavaScript. The author has started this tutorial as an online tutorial where you can test all examples immediately. As the tutorial grew larger a printable version was required.

It can be quite exhausting to read long parts before the monitor. It is obvious that the printable version cannot substitute the online version completely.
JavaScript is a new scripting language which is being developed by Netscape. With JavaScript you can easily create interactive web-pages. This tutorial shows you what can be done with JavaScript - and more importantly how it is done.
Many people believe that JavaScript is the same as Java because of the similar names. This is not true though. I think it would go too far at the moment to show you all the differences - so just memorize that JavaScript is not Java.
Download free ebook : Voodoo–Introduction_to_Javascript.pdf
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