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Free Books and Solutions Manual Headline

Monday 23 May 2011

Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language Programmers

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The very beginnings 
1 Introduction to Console Applications and Files 
2 A Basic Win32 GUI Program--WINBASIC.ASM 
3 Translating Win32 Documentation 
Some fundamentals 
4 Popup Windows and Ownership 
5 Child Windows 
6 A Little More on Messages and an Introduction to the Mouse 
7 Introduction to Graphics 
8 Refreshing with WM_PAINT 
9 Introduction to Controls 
Message loops 
10 Conventional and Thread Message Loops 
11 Greedy Message Loop 
GUI topics 
12 Introduction to Menus 
12 Introduction to Dialogs 
Non-GUI topics 
13 Window Styles 
14 Deadlock Theory 
15 More Programming Information 
15 The Rest of Windows