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Friday 17 June 2011

Isometric Game Programming With DirectX 7: By Books and Solutions Manual,Free eBooks,BSCS,BCS,Free Downloadable Books)

Isometric Game Programming With DirectX 7

Isometric Game Programming With DirectX 7

Product Description
Isometric game programming is an alternative to 3D programming, which is much more math intensive. However, isometric games often can achieve the same level of graphical aesthetics as 3D games. Isometric game development is great for real-time strategy games similar to Sim City 3000, Caesars III, and Age of Empires. Isometric Game Programming with DirectX 7.0 is a comprehensive book that is ideal for any serious game developer as well as any of the 250,000 game hobbyists worldwide. Readers will find valuable information on how to create and develop games using hexagonal images. This book will be most useful to game developers who are not new to programming, but are possibly new to DirectX. Series editor AndrĂ© LaMothe has published numerous magazine articles and is an international best-selling author with over six game programming and 3D graphics titles to his credit. He has been active in the computing industry for more than twenty years, during which he created one of the world’s first commercially available virtual reality games, CyberGate. AndrĂ© is also the founder and CEO of Xtreme Games LLC.

About the Author
Ernest Pazera is a self-taught programmer, starting at age 13 with a TRS-80.He is a moderator of an isometric/hexagonal forum on the site and has extensive experience with game development. Ernest is the author of Isometric Game Programming with DirectX 7.0 from Premier Press.

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