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Friday 17 June 2011

Lifespan Investing: Building the Best Portfolio for Every Stage of Your Life: By Books and Solutions Manual,Free eBooks,BSCS,BCS,Free Downloadable Books)

 Lifespan Investing: Building the Best Portfolio for Every Stage of Your Life

Lifespan Investing: Building the Best Portfolio for Every Stage of Your Life
Product Description
The wisest investors don’t waste time trying to capitalize on current market trends for short-termgains; rather, they focus on making their wealth grow over a lifetime.
In Lifespan Investingveteran trader Clifford Pistolese reveals a long-term investment strategy designed to maximize the amount of wealth you will accumulate over the course of your life. Based on investment portfolios that deal with traditional stock market cycles, his age-based investment management plan shows you how to take full advantage of the market opportunities that will allow you to build truly outstanding profits.
Drawing upon his vast experience, Pistolese shows you how to perform the research needed to find and evaluate potentialinvestments. He provides the tools you need to:
  • Set your financial objective for retirement and select investments to meet your goals
  • Identify the current market phase-one of the keys to investing successfully
  • Know when to buy, how long to hold, and when to sell
  • Rebalance your portfolio to make it appropriate for each stage in your life
  • Multiply your assets over your lifetime
Pistolese presents three different portfolios as models for each type of market phase. You’ll see how to use an aggressive strategy to make superior capital gains in bull markets, implement a defensive strategy to preserve those gains during bear markets, and create a strong income flow during range-bound markets. You’ll also discover how to diversify your portfolio among different types of investments to better control your level of risk.
Competent guidance and disciplined effort are the keys to achieving wealth and sustaining it throughout your lifetime. Lifespan Investing offers the first; by bringing the second, you will build the fortune you desire to enjoy in your future years.
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