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Free Books and Solutions Manual Headline

Friday 17 June 2011

Physics for Scientists & Engineers 6/e text book + Solution: By Books and Solutions Manual,Free eBooks,BSCS,BCS,Free Downloadable Books)

Author: Raymond A. Serway 

Format: Hardcover, 702 pages

Date: January 2003

Publisher: Brooks

ISBN-10: 0534408451

ISBN-13: 9780534408459

Format- PDF 

Description (posted by hidden-science Free Downloadable Books|BSCS|programming|books|BCS|physics|calculus|Free Books|Free ebooks)  :

I had used Serway's textbook before the second author joined. Different editions may exhibit slight differences, but this book is very suitable for those who want to gain a solid fundamental in physics. I believe this book is intended to address freshmen and sophomores, who major in math, sciences and engineering and it executes this task very successfully. It requires knowledge of calculus for better understanding.

The chapters do not contain excessively long, boring discussions; rather, they are presented with adequate discussions. Worked-out problems are especially beneficial to understand the concepts. If one solves and understands these examples, they can attack the end-of-chapter problems more easily. The end-of-chapter problems are classified into 3 categories; standard difficulty, medium difficulty and challenging problems. Therefore, a student can make use of his time according to the level of difficulty of his course, background etc. If you little time to practice and a fair knowledge of the subject matter, you could easily start with medium level problems and try the harder ones as well.

Some chapters contain some interesting articles about everyday physical phenomena which are related to the concepts presented. Hence, the student has a chance to relate theory and life and get a more profound comprehension of physics.

Answers to odd-numbered problems are given in the back of the book, so you can check your results. Many numbers used in these problems are not hard to tackle without a calculator. A smart student can solve many problems with a pencil and paper.

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