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Thursday 26 May 2011

HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies:

HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies
HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies
Book Description
  • Now featuring more than 250 color illustrationsthroughout, this perennially popular guide is a must for novices who want to work with HTML or XHTML, which continue to be the foundation for any Web site
  • The new edition features nearly 50 percent new and updated content, including expanded coverage of CSS and scripting, new coverage of syndication and podcasting, and new sample HTML projects, including a personal Web page, an eBay auction page, a company Web site, and an online product catalog
  • The companion Web site features an eight-page expanded Cheat Sheet with ready-reference information on commands, syntax, colors, CSS elements, and more
  • Covers planning a Web site, formatting Web pages, using CSS, getting creative with colors and fonts, managing layouts, and integrating scripts
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